Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

They Made Fun of Her Dad While She Was Sleeping


“I had a joint birthday party with another girl when I was still in elementary school because she chose to do hers on my actual birthday weekend (when her real birthday was a couple weeks before).

We went swimming and back to her place for a sleepover. After movies and all of that, for whatever reason, I pretended to fall asleep… shortly after, all of my friends started to talk about how much they didn’t like my dad, and thought it was creepy that he was throwing everyone around in the pool.

Kinda broke my heart because my dad is a paraplegic and he had always done this with us in the pool because it was the only place that he really had the freedom to play with us like that.

Sad day.

I should add that it’s been over a decade and not a single one of those girls ever forgets to ask me how my dad is or share fond memories of him with me from when we were growing up. Everyone loved my dad after it stopped being cool to have [fits] about everything and everyone.” Story credit: Reddit / @julifra

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