The Lookout

Was driving from Houston to San Antonio several years ago. Anyone who has been along I-10 knows that Luling is notorious for their….over-diligent cops.
Anyway I-10 is a nice, yet rather boring drive. 4 lanes separated by a wide grass median that usually had a barrier running along, especially by towns.
For about 10 miles headed towards Luling, this guy in a PT cruiser was absolutely riding my bumper. There were NO other cars around, why he didn’t go into the left lane to pass completely escapes me. As we get to Luling, I slow down.
It’s a 75 mph zone and, if memory serves me right, it slows down to 70 or 65 through Luling. This dude goes ape, flashing lights and everything before he finally jerks over into the next lane and floors it.
He never noticed the cop sitting on the hill that overlooks a good portion of traffic going in and out of Luling. It’s a dead end road up there but that cop wasn’t there to pull people over himself. He simple radios in which car to pull over to his buddies waiting down below.
As soon as I crested the hill myself, I could see those glorious red and blue lights sitting there all pretty behind a very disgruntled PT cruiser. I waved as I drove past them.
Don’t speed through small towns in Texas. Story credit: Reddit / redneckgeek5192