“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

It Was Funny in Retrospect


When I was living in my first apartment after college with a few of my friends, one of my roommates gave us a heads up that his mom was coming over after work the next day. The next day, I got home from work exhausted, totally forgot about his mom visiting, laid down on the couch. and passed out.

I wear contacts, and when I sleep in them I tend to wake up with very red, glassy eyes. Anyway, I wake up to the sound of the door opening and my roommate and his mom, who I’d never met, walk in. I pick my head up, confused and sleepy, and they find me very out of it on the couch with red eyes.

Needless to say, his mom was like, “Wow so you guys are potheads, huh?” She was cool about it, but I tried so hard to convince her I wasn’t high and she fully did not believe me.

It was very funny in retrospect, but at the time I was mortified at that being her first impression. Story credit: Reddit / sky_kid

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