“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

It’ll Be Our Secret


I am an American and I was in Iceland for the first time. I was traveling solo and doing typical tourist stuff. I was 35 years old (male) at the time. I went to a popular hot spring very early in the morning to avoid the tourist rush.

You are required to shower naked prior to going into the hot spring, so it was extremely cold and I was showering naked per the rules when this young boy around eight years old ran to the shower area.

He did a half-a-second shower, then he readied himself to sprint towards the exit to the hot spring, probably in an attempt to stay in the cold as little as possible. He inevitably falls on his face right in front of me.

There was absolutely nobody else in the showers and I instinctually went to him to see if he was okay. He banged his head and had a bad scrape on his leg. I helped him up. He seemed very startled and embarrassed, so I leaned down to eye level and said,

“It’s okay. Nobody but me saw and I won’t say a thing. It will be our secret, bud.” As I was saying this I saw him glance over my shoulder and I turned my head around to see two adult males staring at me with very confused looks.

I was about to explain what had just happened but I just promised the kid I would keep it a secret. I just waved and left. Story credit: Reddit / MatthewDM111

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