“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

We Still Bring It Up

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It was my friend’s birthday and he was turning 16, which is the age of consent in my country. At the time, he was dating someone who was allergic to latex, and a lot of jokes had been made about this.

So as a joke gift, my best friend and I bought him cling film. I bought the cling film and wrapped it, and arranged to meet him before school so we could deliver our friend the present “from both of us.”

However, his mom read his text messages, and at the time she didn’t know who I was as we hadn’t been friends for too long. As a result, she thought that we were arranging a drug deal for some reason.

So that morning when we met before school I handed him the cling film, and to prove to his mom that we weren’t doing a drug deal, I had to take a photo of him with the cling film.

Everything with the joke gift went smoothly (I even bought him a real present as I’m not that horrible), but his mom thought we PHOTOSHOPPED the image and didn’t believe us. For a while after that, she still thought I was a dealer until she met me and realized I am in fact just a socially awkward teenager.

It still gets bought up to this day and makes us both laugh now and again. Story credit: Reddit / FroggyBoi82

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