“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

Hard Sell


I was lucky enough to get a post-grad scholarship to travel to the USA for a field course in New Mexico. Before I left, my mum gave me a first aid kit, which was a little strange, but I thought nothing of it and packed it with my stuff. After a week or so, one of the other students cut themselves quite badly.

I jumped into action and grabbed my handy first aid kit. I noticed it was quite tightly packed as I opened it in front of the other students and professors. Its contents embarrassed me forever. 

As I unzipped it, dozens and dozens of condoms burst from the kit and went everywhere; they were like one of those snakes-in-a-can. I stood there aghast and tried to gather all the prophylactics while trying to convince everyone that my mother had packed the first aid kit for me.

This was a very hard sell, seeing as I was 24 at the time. For context, my mum is a midwife and one of the roles of her job is promoting contraception in the community. I have to say that some of them came in useful in the end, so shout out to mum! Story credit: Reddit / BlabbityBlabbity

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