“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

The Expected Happened


My step-brother’s girlfriend came over to my house when he had gone to go buy something for her, so it was only me and this girlfriend. I started making tea for her since I felt bad letting her stand there, and while I was pouring in the water she stood next to me and watched me make the tea.

Me being me, I didn’t realize that she was there. When I turned around to put the kettle back, I jumped and spilled some of the water on her shirt. I bent down and started trying to clean it off her top before it started to burn, but she kept smacking my hand telling me that it’s fine. 

And then the expected happened. My brother came back, and from his angle, considering the position we were in, it all looked VERY questionable.

We all just kinda stared at each other for a while. Now he always makes jokes that I’m trying to seduce his girlfriend. Story credit: Reddit / RatherishBlessers

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