“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

Step on the Gas


When I was like 14 or so, my brother and I got really into paintball. So one weekend we were getting ready out in our driveway. I should mention we live in the middle of a cornfield and the corn was down at this time. This means you can see cars coming for miles down the road.

So as I’m getting my paintball gun ready, I see my mom’s green minivan coming down the road. I decided to be funny and connect my C02 tank to my gun, but no paint, so it looks and sounds like it’s firing, but it’s just shooting blanks.

As the green minivan approaches, I bolt down the driveway, screaming and firing blanks at the van. I then got the shock of my life. Simultaneously, the window rolls down and some lady who I have never seen before leans out her window.

I can only assume she was going to stop and ask for directions because once she realized a strange kid was maniacally yelling and shooting at her, she rolled up her window, screamed and slammed on the gas. And that was the last time I saw that woman ever.

So somewhere out there, a woman who tried to stop and ask for directions in the middle of nowhere USA thinks she was almost attacked by a teenager. Story credit: Reddit / Iseman93

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