“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

My Mind Went Blank


Years ago, when I was in law school, I was out drinking with friends and realized I was out of cigs. One of my friends told me they had a vending machine at a gentlemen’s club a block away. I walked to the gentlemen’s club by myself, got my cigs, and left.

As I was leaving, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and went white. It was one of the managing partners of the firm I was clerking at and her husband.

We just stared at each other until she finally asked what I was doing. My mind went completely blank and I literally just said “Uhh…” It was so uncomfortable! She finally told me she was out with her husband and they were going to a bar right door.

I never knew which conclusion she jumped to because she never brought it up in the office, thank God. Story credit: Reddit / SquirrelLuvsChipmunk

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