“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

A Stowaway


When I was younger, my family was going on a trip somewhere hot the day after Christmas. Two of my favorite gifts were a shark Beastwars Transformer and a cap gun that was a replica of a 9mm (it even had the orange tip). Obviously, I wanted to bring them with me.

Well, as we were going through the airport, my bag got flagged with something that looked nearly identical to a pistol. Airport security officers came over, and they made a huge scene. My family was not excited at all by my brain-dead move.

The officer even fired a round at the ground to make sure it was a toy. Anyway, we didn’t miss our flight, but I also lost my shark transformer on the flight home. All things considered, it was a pretty fun trip. Story credit: Reddit / Greazinseazin

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