The Evidence is On Your Face
I’m heading home one night really tired. An officer pulls me over and asks if I know why he stopped me. Oblivious, I say no, and he tells me I have a large streak of blood down my face. I then say the worst thing possible. “It’s okay, officer, it’s not my blood!” Yeah. Don’t say that to law enforcement.
He then asks me to open the back of my car. My response? “Ooh um ok but don’t freak out.” I was tired ok?? See, in the back seat of my car were a few lumpy black bin bags and a bit more blood. I was almost in an awful lot of trouble, until I showed him the box in the backseat that contained my Harris hawk.
It was enough to convince him I was a falconer, and that the bin bags contained a few months’ supply of frozen food for my bird.
The blood on my face was because my hawk liked to “preen” me after he’d finished eating. The officer took some photos with me and my hawk then let us go, but God that almost went very, very wrong. Story credit: Reddit / wolfgirl2345