“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

The Longest 10 Seconds of My Life


When I was 17, my parents found underwear in the back of the minivan I drove. In any scenario, this would be bad, but in this case, the underwear was clearly an eight-year-old boy’s underwear with ninja turtles on it. They had questions.

See, my girlfriend had a best friend who had much younger siblings, and we were hanging out at that friend’s house and the kids were like “We wanna go to the beach.” And we had a great day! The kid was awesome. Afterward, I drove everybody home.

But that kid, for whatever reason, didn’t change back out of his bathing suit and didn’t keep track of his original clothing all that well. Somehow, his underwear wound up under the back seat in the car, where it sat for two months before anyone found it.

Fortunately, everyone had a good sense of humor about it—especially the kid’s mother, who thought it was the funniest thing.

But let me assure you, for the 10 seconds between when I got asked about it and when I realized what had happened, I probably had a very horrified look on my face. Story credit: Reddit / trabbaro

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