“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

Last Train of the Day


I had a terrible headache at work, and the work colleague who gave me the headache pills failed to mention they were effervescent and had to be put into water. Worse, I was just running from work to get on a two-hour train trip to my parents’ house.

So I swallowed the pills on the train with just a sip of water from my water bottle, and immediately felt something was very wrong. Now not only do I have a terrible headache, but my intestines are fizzing. My guts were not impressed, and soon my bowels began to cramp.

This was the very last train for the day, so if I got off at a station to go to the toilet, I’d be stuck overnight in the middle of nowhere. However, I knew at one station the train would stop and sit there for a few minutes while the guards changed over.

Still, there was no way I would make it to the toilet carrying all my luggage and back again in time. So I risked running off the train, abandoning my luggage for an express toilet bowel explosion.

Fortunately, the carriage was empty, because I don’t know what people would think seeing someone leaving a bunch of luggage on a train and absolutely sprinting away like their life depended on it.

They might have thought it was for another type of explosion. Fortunately, I managed to get to the toilet, clean up, and get back on the train before it took off with my luggage. But it was still a pretty miserable train trip. Story credit: Reddit / trowzerss

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