Strange Misunderstanding
I live in what is probably not the best neighborhood in Brooklyn, and a few weeks ago I was walking my girlfriend’s small black three-legged dog late one night. There are a lot of guys that hang out by a busy corner drinking on their stoops, and one of them went to take a leak by a building’s trash area.
He was facing the building with his back to me. So, as he was peeing, Pepper (the dog) decided she was going to be stubborn and just sit down. I kept trying to get her to get up so we could go home.
As I was calling her and telling her, “Come on, let’s go,” the guy peeing locked eyes with me through a mirror that was in the trash pile. He couldn’t see the dog I was talking to because she was 10 feet behind me in the shadows. He thought I was trying to fight him WHILE I was watching him take a leak.
This was, of course, not at all the case. As he was zipping up and turned around, Pepper hopped up and trotted by and broke all the tension. He was like, “Oh man, my bad! I didn’t know you were talking to the dog.” We laughed about it and carried on our separate ways. Story credit: Reddit / FlatbushRocknRoll