“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

How Embarrassing For You


My dad helped me out by leasing a car for me. He wasn’t techy (transferring money into his account wasn’t an option), so I always paid him in cash for the car payment. We would meet up to have dinner in a restaurant and I would give him my car payment.

Well, this one time, I got to the restaurant and had to go to the bathroom. After peeing, I went to wash my hands and decided to double-check my money to make sure I had the right amount of cash. As I was counting 400 in twenties, a guy walks into the bathroom, looks at me, and runs out!

I thought, “How embarrassing, walking into the women’s restroom.” Then he proceeds to walk in again, passing me awkwardly. I suddenly realize I’m in the men’s room, counting CASH!!! Story credit: Reddit / stargirl3

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