“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

Explain Yourselves


I was walking along one night with my wife and we bumped our hips accidentally. I bumped her again, she bumped me back harder, and it escalated from there. For my final victory, I timed it just right to knock her into a lamppost so she fell over laughing…big mistake.

“Whoop whoop”—a cop car had come up behind us and only saw the blow that knocked her over. She instantly started laughing so hard at the absurdity of it that tears were streaming down her face. Yep, that didn’t help.

They grabbed me to stop me from “attacking” her anymore (I had been going over to help her up, honest, officer!). It took quite a while for her to stop laughing enough to explain, and longer still for them to believe us. Story credit: Reddit / anomalous_cowherd

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