“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

Instant Pain Relief


I’ve suffered from left leg sciatica since I was about 14. It turns out I had something wrong with one of the facets in my lower left-hand spine. In high school, I discovered the only way to heal a flare-up was to have someone legit dig into my left butt cheek.

It’s instant pain relief as the muscle calmed down and the nerve relaxed. But one day, it all went so wrong. Once, in 11th grade, I had my girlfriend over to my parents’ house and we went downstairs to watch a movie.

While we obviously messed around down there all the time, this was actually very innocent. I had a flare up and she offered to massage my butt cheek to help with the pain. I laid across her lap, face down, while she went to town. Felt soooo good to not have my leg on fire.

Anyway, my dad walks downstairs and in the dark, it appears my girlfriend was fisting me. He immediately screams, “Whoa, oh my god I’m sorry!” and runs upstairs. I had to go and explain what was up. He still thinks she was fisting me. I’m almost 30. Story credit: Reddit / Awit1992

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