“This Isn’t What it Looks Like” Moments That Were Completely Scandalous

You Could’ve Closed the Door


I work in tech. One day, my HR lady called me over to her office to help fix a desktop issue. I said, “I’ll get one of my Tier 1 guys to come over.” She said “Well, can’t you just do this for me real quick?” I said, “You know what, why not?” She has her desktop on the ground right by her feet.

It turns out that her ethernet cord wasn’t plugged into her PC. I should also mention that it was a spring day and she has crazy allergies. I told her, “I need to get underneath your desk to get to the back of your PC.” She said, “No worries, I’ll be right here.”

She didn’t get out of her chair but instead moved aside just enough for me to crawl in there. She has Visine in her hands and as I’m working through the rat’s nest of cables, she’s placing eye drops in her eyes and her head rolls back so the tears don’t fall onto her skirt.

She sort of makes an audible “Awww yeah” as the Visine is being absorbed. In walks my boss just as she’s saying “Awww yeah” with her head rolled back in her chair and me standing back up after being, what seems like, between her legs.

My boss says “You two could’ve at least closed this door.” I said, “It’s not what it looks like” as he walked about closing the door. Story credit: Reddit / gizmosbutu

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