Times When The Homeowner’s Association Ruined Everything

HOA Inspectors Are Not Cops


It’s 6:30 AM, and my cats are going nuts, and I realize someone is in my backyard. At the time I worked as a bouncer and very frequently got the “I’m going to come to your house” type threats. I live in the same HOA (albeit a huge one) as a bunch of the jerk customers. My sliding door starts jiggling.

I grab a gun, and throw open the blinds. Outside, on my porch is an old man. I start screaming, make him get on his knees and call the cops.

Low and behold, he’s an “inspector” from my HOA, there because a neighbor reported me cutting down a half dead tree that was about to fall on my house.

“Town” cops show up. They are actual police, but only work in the HOA, they are not happy with me, but because I said the right words on the 911 call, the county sheriffs also show up.

They basically have an argument with the local cops about the fact that being a HOA inspector doesn’t allow you to come onto someone’s enclosed deck and that since I didn’t physically attack the inspector, I didn’t commit a crime.

We spend all morning going back and forth, finally, we basically agree to a “everyone go home” agreement. HOA sends me a strongly worded letter.


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