Times When The Homeowner’s Association Ruined Everything

Running Rampant


I usually like living in HOAs and the ones I’ve lived in have been decent but my parents’ HOA is insane. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer and began his chemo, he became to weak to walk. My parents installed a ramp at the front door so he could get his wheelchair into the house.

Their neighbor, the HOA president, went crazy. She demanded doctors notes, appointment slips, and that my dad prove to the neighborhood that he could walk and was lying. My dad was too weak to do anything and mom is too passive so I had to step in. I threatened to lawyer up and sue her personally.

She eventually backed down. My dad passed away in April and a week after, she came banging at our door saying she saw the funeral home come and pick my dad up and that we need to take the ramp down now “that he’s finally dead.” (Her exact words.)

At that point, I called the police right in front of her to report her for stalking and harassment. I moved in with my mom and now every time this woman sees me, she runs back into her house.

On another note, she follows neighborhood kids home from school asking their names and where they live because she wants to know if “they really live there” and my neighbors and I have caught her many time looking into our backyards.


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