Times When The Homeowner’s Association Ruined Everything

Fighting the Power


I live in Florida and have the pleasure of living in an HOA neighborhood while not being a part of the HOA. Apparently there are a total of 3 houses in my neighborhood not part of the hoa, and I was fortunate enough to have bought one of them.

Ever previous owner refused to sign into the hoa, and I have continued this tradition. Best part is getting all sorts of fines, letters, and people knocking on my door informing me of stupid trivial violation.

I just get to laugh at them while I explain I’m not a member of their stupid little club and therefore not beholden to its rules. At one point they had my truck towed out of my driveway because of the HOA’s no truck policy.

I simply called the cops and reported it stolen. It was found at a local impound lot, and returned to me free of charge.

The HOA ended up having to pay for the tow/impound fees, and tried on several occasions to pass those on to me through fines.

Finally had a lawyer write up a cease and desist letter telling them to leave me alone or I’ll press charges for the theft of my truck and harassment.

That was six months ago and I think they finally figured out they have no authority to tell me squat because I haven’t heard from them since.


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