Times When The Homeowner’s Association Ruined Everything

Out of Zone

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As a kid, my parents and I lived in an HOA neighborhood and had a lovely big backyard at the base of a big mountain. It had a creek right behind it that ran past multiple houses next to us. Meanwhile, my mom had always wanted chickens.

A neighbor two houses from us had chickens, geese, and a turtle. She decided she should get some, and my mom sent a request to the HOA. Their response was baffling.

Apparently, we were “out of range” of the chicken allowance area because of how close to the mountains we were. They said cougars came near us often and that they didn’t “want any attacks”.

You would think a cougar will see the house with the chickens and go, “WOW! Some delicious food! Whoopsie, it’s in the HOA chicken okay zone, looks like I can’t eat them”.


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