Times When The Homeowner’s Association Ruined Everything

A Major Eyesore


While living with my mother and siblings in Nevada, a huge storm hit the area and did a ton of damage. During the night, we heard something close to the sound of a garage door slamming down or a huge crack of lightning.

The following morning, we got up to let the dog out and found the huge tree in the raised portion of the backyard uprooted.

It took out our fence along the sidewalk, a small playset in the yard, and the back porch, and nearly wrecked the far-most right side of the house itself (we had a leaky ceiling over there for a while). 

But here’s the most upsetting part—the HOA told us we needed to get the tree out, away and the damage fixed immediately due to it being an “eyesore”. Like we weren’t trying already.


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