The Tipping Points that Changed Romantic Relationships for Good

Unfair to Me


The guy who “didn’t like her” took her out for the millionth time. I never told her they couldn’t hang out, and sometimes I genuinely wouldn’t care when they would, but I made it very clear from the beginning that I very much disliked her hanging out with some dude who had some fantasy about being with her, and admitted his love to her several years ago, going back several boyfriends before me.

I felt like it was unfair for me, whenever a woman was in sight or I was cool with she’d hate, judge and feel the need to “protect me.” We had gotten into an argument and for the hundredth time she hangs out with him directly after the argument. I wasn’t having it so I simply didn’t talk to her for the rest of the day, or the next morning. She calls me and had this giant freak out and we ultimately ended up splitting up after that talk. Ironically, we had a conversation three weeks later where she told me her friend had opened up about his love again, and attempted to date her yet again.

Story credit: Reddit / Vokeyy

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