The Tipping Points that Changed Romantic Relationships for Good

I’m Not Her Uber


This girl would only ride in the backseat of my car when we went places together. My car at the time was a two-door, meaning I’d have to go around and let her out every time. I thought it was funny and cute the first couple times, but one morning we were gonna go to breakfast and I asked her to ride in the front. Parking is right in front of the restaurant, so I didn’t want it to look weird, like I was her Uber driver coming in to eat with her.

She refused so I said I was gonna walk. I left and went to the restaurant and sat down, got a text asking if I was serious to which I replied with a picture of my pancakes. I told her it just wasn’t working out and that was that. We had only been dating for two weeks and amongst some other weird things I decided it was better not to get deeper involved.

Story credit: Reddit / Daemonn789

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