An Efficient Storm

Our relationship had been deteriorating for some time and, to make a long story short, during the beginning of our junior year in college she “broke up with me” one night after being upset that I didn’t invite her to a party. The thing is, she had known for over two years at that point that there is a party at my rugby team’s house literally every Saturday night and she was regularly there almost every week for the past two years without needing some sort of invitation from myself, and being that I’d passed out from drunkenness before four in the evening, I wasn’t really up and at it at that time.
Regardless of any of the details, she came into my room where I was passed out and started yelling about how we were done. She grabbed my key chain and took the key that opened the backdoor to her house and left. Me being kind of fed up to begin with at this point kind of shook it off and determined that it was probably the best for both of us. The next day I went on with my life as a person who was no longer in a relationship.
Apparently, this wasn’t the case for her, though, and she was expecting that I would come back and apologize and try to get her back. About 24 hours after she told me we were done, she came to my house and came upstairs to where me and a few of my teammates, including a few who were in their first two weeks of college, were just hanging out. She—visibly drunk at this point—started yelling at me, so we went out in the hallway and I simply said that she had broken up with me the day before. She stormed downstairs and I assumed left the house and I went back to my teammates.
Moments later we heard a huge crash from downstairs, so I went downstairs and saw her throwing and turning over everything on the first floor of my house. I had zero idea how to deal with this, so I kind of just stood there in awe. There wasn’t a single thing that wasn’t nailed down that she hadn’t thrown across the room. It was the most efficient storm of stuff throwing I’ve ever seen.
Story credit: Reddit / Schrodingers_Nachos