He Was Awoken By the Wind
My dad was a steward in his youth, and this happened to him in a hotel in Switzerland. So he (Muslim) was about to do his prayers in his hotel room when the lamp on his nightstand suddenly turned off on its own. He went to turn it back on and it turns out the plug had been disconnected from the socket. He plugged it back in and went back to pray, and the same thing happened again, right as he was starting to pray. Creepy enough? Not nearly.
Now, to be honest, I don’t really believe in ghosts and spirits, nor the stories about the subject when people tell them. This next part, however, makes me think there’s a possibility they do.
While he was sleeping later that night, he was awakened by a strong wind suddenly blowing the windows completely open and letting cold winter air into the room. He got up to shut them and discovered that the windows opened outwards instead of inwards.
Story credit: Reddit / TheLegendofReddit