Travelers Share Their Most Horrific True Travel Experiences

Unexpected Visitor

YouTube / Saturday Night Live

“I once stayed in a B&B that had a shared bathroom. The first night, I got up at probably around 2 am and I was bursting for a pee. The bathroom was down the hallway, not too far but seemed like such an effort in my tired state. I got to the bathroom and open the door and there was this guy just standing in the bathroom, dressed head to toe in a mime costume. Face painted and everything.

He was squatted down on the floor but his trousers were still up. I looked at him for a second; he gave me a wave with a smile and began just silently pushing. I just ran back to my room, locked the door and decided to pee in a bottle. I’m still not sure if I was just really tired and seeing things or something. It’s seriously the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Story credit: Reddit / Jam-Polo

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