True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

Get Out of My House


Buckle up everyone for this bumpy ride. Okay, so I was chilling in my living room around 3 am playing some video games.

My parents are out of town visiting some friends and I decided to stay home, house to myself and all. So here I am, in nothing but a bra and panties, when there’s a knock on the door.

“What the heck?” I think to myself. I scramble to get my clothes on and I answer the door. It was a family acquaintance with her already whiny little brat. She’s also visibly pregnant, and we’ll get to why that part is important later. Me: Hey, what’s going on?

Her: My car broke down and the tow company can’t come to get it until tomorrow, think me and my kid can crash here tonight?

Me: Sure, you guys can sleep in the living room. Once I let them in, I asked if she wanted anything and went to get the coffee she asked for.

As I go get it, I see the little brat picking up my controller. Me: Hey little guy, please put that down. Her: Oh, can’t he play a game?

Me: Sorry, no. I’m in the middle of something, plus he wouldn’t know how to play the type of game. Her: But he reeealllly wants to, don’t you?

Him: I WANT TO PLAY!!!! Me: No, you can’t play. Him: I WANT TO PLAY I WANT TO PLAY I WANT TO PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. He then throws the controller at the TV, shattering the screen. Me: WHAT THE HECK? I rush over to the TV. Her: Hey! Don’t you yell at my child!

Me: YOU JUST LET HIM DESTROY MY TV LIKE THIS. Her: You’re the one who didn’t let him play the video game.

Me: I said no, and you have to teach your brat that he isn’t owed ANYTHING. Her: How dare you! Just wait until I tell your mother about how you treated him, you’ll make a terrible mom.

Me: I’m not having kids, but if I did I wouldn’t let them be spoiled little brats! Her: YOU are being the brat right now! Just get a new TV and quit whining. Me: Yeah, I’ll get a new TV with the money you pay me for the broken one. Her: WHAT?! But YOU are the one who instigated it.

Me: You know what? Just get out of my house. You and your brat are no longer welcome. Her: What is wrong with you? I’m preeeegnant and have a toddler and have nowhere to go, you can’t just kick out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3 am in the cold.

Me: OH YES I CAN, YOU INSUFFERABLE WITCH. Get OUT of my house before I call the authorities.  Her, picking her brat up and heading towards the door: Just wait until I tell your mother about this! Me: Yeah, I’ll gladly tell her about what the little brat to the TV and that you refused to pay for it!

Her: You’ll regret this! Thankfully, though, she left. The next morning I called my parents and explained what happened.

They were very understanding because I was never raised to be a spoiled little jerk and the mom got an earful from my mom that if she didn’t pay them back we would take her to small claims.

She tried to play the  “Woe is me” card but it didn’t work and she forked over the $500 for the new TV. Then we cut contact with her. ATEEZ_Rookie_King

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