True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

I Hope They Won’t Have Another Kid


Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from my older brother and he told me that my mom had a miscarriage. This is hardly surprising, as she’s in her 40s. But I have a dark confession. 

I actually felt a huge wave of relief wash over me—because this way, my siblings’ lives would not be worsened by my parents’ insistence on adding another mouth to feed on an already tight budget. My sister would not be asked to give up her inheritance so they could have money for their new baby.

My brother told me my mom had been crying and while I did feel bad for her, I was still glad to hear about the miscarriage.

I feel like we all dodged a huge bullet. My brother asked me to move back in for a while, to help comfort my mom.

I told him I wasn’t going to move in because first, my college would reopen in a few days, and two, I’m done with all the family drama.

However, I did agree to come to visit my mom, if only out of courtesy. In the evening, I went over to my parents’ place.

I took chocolate chip muffins for my mom, which I know she likes. My sister greeted me at the door and told me mom had been in bed all day. After greeting my dad, I went into their bedroom.

Mom was sitting up on the bed. I told her I was sorry about what happened and placed the muffins on the bedside table. 

Her reaction floored me. She looked at me angrily, then threw the muffins at me. She screamed at me that she had “lost her baby” because of me.

She said I had caused her stress and it’s what caused her to miscarry. She said I was probably glad her baby was gone (which is true, but of course I didn’t point that out). She called me a witch and said I had wished this upon her.

She was screaming so loudly, all my siblings and my dad came rushing to the bedroom. She yelled at me to get out. I did.

I hugged my older brother and sister. Before I left, my dad told me my mom was right, that my “cruelty” caused her to miscarry.

I told him that was a grossly unfair accusation and reminded him that at mom’s age, it was quite common to miscarry. Then I walked out. I’m so done with my parents and their stupidity. I can only hope they won’t try for another kid. DCholic_19

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