True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

I Can’t Really Change How I Feel


I was outed as gender-fluid, aromantic/asexual by my brother about four months ago. My parents didn’t take it well, and they liked to pretend that nothing happened. Well, yesterday, my parents came to me and said, “It’s time to cure your sin.”

I started to panic inside, but only replied, “Okay, which sin are you talking about?” They said, “Your homosexuality.” Yes, being aro/ace isn’t technically homosexuality, but they don’t care to learn the difference.

They led me to the computer and sat me down, then they pulled up an online preacher and said “You’ll listen until you no longer feel gay.”

So I sat there. I listened to this guy’s talk; it was about 25 minutes long. At the end, my parents came up to me and asked if I “still felt gay.”

I responded that I can’t really change how I feel. They put on another one. This went on for four hours until they finally gave up. I hope they never try again. Thedepressionoftrees 

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