True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

I’d Still Like to Thank the Bouncer


I dearly wish I could claim this was me, or even a relative, so I could claim this degree of clever was in my genes. But it was not.

It was a bouncer at a small-town club, and when he made the comment there weren’t even the expected, cinematic ‘OOOOOHHH!” Or ‘WHAAAAT!” reactions one would expect.

Just an echoing silence from about 40 onlookers. So, this mother and daughter pair was trying to get into the club late in the evening. The daughter was clearly young, and actually reasonably attractive in quite a nice, fashionable outfit.

The mother was not obese, but certainly overweight, and had shoehorned her corpulence into hot pants and a tank top that would have been trashy on a supermodel, and friends…she was no supermodel.

Badly dyed stringy hair, cheap bulky jewelry, spray-on orange skin, all the trailer-trimmings. I didn’t hear how the exchange started, but clearly these two were trying to cut ahead of the line.

The bouncer, this massive, action figure of a Black man with an oddly babyish face and the patience of Job, had denied this effort. 

Hilarity ensued. The daughter threw a few verbal jabs but seemed to be just mildly irritated. The sideshow of a mother lost her bloody mind.

Shrieking prejudiced epithets that would curl the ear-hair of a bystander, and every horrific name you care (or do not care) to imagine. Interspersed with the expected “Do you know who I am,” and “Get me the owner,” etc.

The bouncer just stood there and didn’t react with anything but polite direction. Downright heroic. After a few minutes of this vile screeching, the daughter is now embarrassed as heck and trying to pull the mother away. People are gathering to watch and the whole thing has become a spectator sport.

The bouncer just kept politely saying “You will need to go to the back of the line like anyone else ma’am” or variations on that theme. By now the woman wasn’t even trying to argue the point, just squealing the revolting, and at this point quite repetitive, insults.

Then she screamed that he was an awful bouncer and would get fired that night. Then she tried to slap the bouncer.

She missed, quite badly, at which point the bouncer took a single step forward as she fell back with a shriek.

He then said quite loudly: “Ma’am, at any point tonight have I ever told you how to get off flabby obese old men in an alley? Clearly baffled, she said nothing but sputtered… he continued: “No, Ma’am, I have never said anything like that. Not once.

I don’t tell you how to do your job, so don’t tell me how to do MINE.” Silence. Like, 40 people in the street, not a sound.

She yelled a couple more things, then scuttled away with her daughter dragging her by the arm. It’s been over a decade, but I still want to go find that bouncer and buy him a drink. Nordenfeldt

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