True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

We Just Wanted Them to Be More Careful


A little over a year ago when my neighbor moved into the townhouse next to us, things seemed great! Their kids were nice, and overall seemed like they were part of a loving, normal home.

They were quirky, but nice people who were always willing to help, from installing a screen door, to enjoying a drink and a decent conversation about home improvement.

One day, red flags started popping up. Halloween came up a few months after they moved in and we could hear all kinds of banging and pounding coming from the side of the house they are attached to.

We thought it was just the kids playing and having fun until the father called me crying on the phone about how he was so angry they didn’t get invited to a big party at the next house over.

The owner of that house has a policy with all the neighbors: “If my garage door is open, feel free to stop in and join us, you are always invited.” It was weird for them to get offended over that, but I brushed it off.

A few weeks later, their kids got the idea that our dog should have sleepovers with them and they started asking to walk him sometimes. Which at first we thought was cute, and it was! Until one day, it went too far.

The kids were asking about having a doggy sleepover once in a while, and their mother pulled me away from my wife.

She said that it was really unfair that we get to have our dog all week long and that they have to build their schedule to see him around our lives and when we were home.

I really had no clue what to say, but then she doubled down, insisting that their family should have him on weekends because I work shift work and get to see him all week long as much as I want.

Our relationship with them ended entirely after we caught one of their kids scratching our cars accidentally and they told us to call the authorities when we tried letting them know what happened. We didn’t want money or for it to be fixed, we just wanted their kids to be more careful… PracticalBrad

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