True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

She Banned Her Deaf Child From Using Sign Language


This is about my adoptive mother. My adoptive parents are British citizens who moved to my country in the EU.

They adopted me actually expecting mental disabilities, but I was just profoundly deaf. You would think that would be easier. So I grow up, and I get enrolled in deaf schools where I learn sign language.

But my mother decides it’s too hard for her to learn sign language…and actually bans me from using it in the house.

I had to mime or point at things until I could start writing, upon which time I carried around a notebook everywhere.

If I did try to sign, I was called disrespectful for not including her in the conversation. In a strange way, this made my written language skills very good, as well as my lip-reading skills, which many deaf people have challenges with.

It was very difficult and upsetting living with her. My adoptive father was nice but he just listened to whatever she wanted, so he became a bad parent too. I went to university and limited contacting them. The one time I tried to visit them for the holidays, I got a terrible surprise. 

When I rang the doorbell, a strange family answered. See, my adoptive parents had moved back to Britain without telling me. Who does that? findipil

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