True and Surprising Stories of People Who Encountered Extremely Entitled Parents

The Trial is Ongoing


I’m in a DnD group with a couple of friends from nearby, and one of the members of the group was a kid who was about 15 years old.

He’s a really sweet kid, likes helping other people out, and he’s a BIG fan of Dungeons and Dragons. He also has cancer in both of his lungs.

He’s from a religious family that basically forces him to act pure while he’s in their sight. The mom is practically rabid, while the dad is just a sensible person who just tries to get him to be a good kid. When he’s out of sight of his parents, he just does normal teen stuff.

Because of his mom, the only books he was allowed to own were Christian books and bibles. He joined our group mainly as a way to escape his home life and his mom. A couple of weeks ago, the cancer in his lungs started to get to him, so he was taken to a hospital by his parents.

He contacted me about this a day after he was taken to the hospital, stating that he wanted a Monster Manual as his last wish, and saying that he was tired of reading the same things.

I bought him the book from Barnes and Noble, but considering that he’s a dying teen, I got him Volo’s Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes stacked on top of that. The next day, which was his birthday, he was still in the hospital, so I brought him the books as a gift.

After he blew out the candles, we had cake and he started opening gifts. Mine was the first to be opened. Seeing what they were, he immediately got this humongous grin on his face and hugged me.

Meanwhile, his mom stared down at the books with a look of pure disgust, with her husband staring at her with this wary look in his eyes.

She picks up one of the books, relights one of the candles, and HOLDS THE BOOK over it to try and set it on fire.

I manage to stop her and demand “What are you doing?! He asked me to get those books and I’m not going to let you take them away!” His mom simply stared me down and said something along the lines of the books being “sinful,” “satanic,” and full of evil and that her son had no business with them.

I retort and say that her son can read what he wants and that she shouldn’t have to force him to be Christian.

She starts getting red in the face and yelling at me about essentially forcing children to believe in God from a young age.

I state that I’m a Baptist (which I actually am) and say that faith in God is a matter between God and the individual.

She turns red all over and actively starts to try and destroy the books again, with me, my friend, and her husband trying to stop her.

At one point, I shouted “WOULD GOD WANT YOU TO DO THIS? TO RESTRICT YOUR DYING SON’S FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION?!” right in her face. This just sets her ablaze. She tosses the books aside and starts trying to STRANGLE her son.

Her husband calls security immediately when she does this. Security gets there within about a minute of the two of us trying to pry her off of her son and drag her away, with her shouting that we’re all “catamites to the devil.”

Both her husband and my friend charge her with assault and attempted murder. The trial’s still going. Lightvsdark777

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