True Stories of People Who Pulled Off Successful Long Cons

The Simpsons Did It


This was long ago in the days before smartphones. Probably the 4th grade or so. It all started when my buddy and I were arguing about an episode of The Simpsons. It was the one featuring the Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy Chocobot Hour.

I was arguing that Col. Kataffy was one of the chocobots. Eventually I realized I was wrong, but refused to admit it. This debate went on for weeks. I even went so far as to make up things in the episode that proved my (false) point.

He started out totally sure of himself, but by the end I am pretty sure he was doubting his sanity. Eventually he let out one of those nerd-rage half shriek half grunts and tackled me to the ground. At that point I couldn’t help but burst out laughing and admit I was just messing with him. Story credit: Reddit / AllMightyTallest

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