True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

He Sold the Ring to Buy a Car


Before he met my mom, my dad was engaged to a woman who left him four months before the wedding because she wanted to get back together with her ex-boyfriend.

My dad said, “Fine, but once you go, you’re gone for good.” She said she understood and she left. My dad sold her ring and used the money to buy a brand new Firebird.

His buddy told him to drive by his now ex’s house, honk the horn and say, “Hey, your ring has wheels!” Unfortunately, he decided against that.

As anyone could have predicted, my dad’s ex calls him a few months later, begging him to meet up with her and “talk.” My dad flat-out said no, but she kept begging and just wouldn’t stop.

Finally he said, “Fine, but keep in mind, I’ve had a few months to think about all the things I want to say to you, and I will say every one of them.” She said that was fine, she just wanted to see him.

They meet for lunch, and she immediately tells him how sorry she is and that she wants him back. He said, “I told you. Once you left, that was it.”

She apologized profusely and begged him to reconsider, and he basically unloaded months of feelings and anger on her and said he wanted nothing to do with her.

A few months later, my dad met my mom. He picked her up for their first date in the Firebird. VisionInPlaid

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