True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

I’m Still Recovering Financially


I was left several weeks before my wedding. And by left, I mean my fiance insisted he was stressed out with work and needed some time…when in reality, he wanted to move his new, pregnant girlfriend into our house while I was out of town. SO.

The initial aftermath was indescribable, frankly. Calling and explaining this to vendors was a total blast.

I lived in and was getting married in the South, so if I never hear “Oh bless your heart” again, it’ll be too soon.

Not to mention the crippling depression I fell into and loss of a whole life I had built with someone I had trusted. I didn’t leave my parents’ house for over a month afterward.

I also had to deal with my family AND his, and our friends. He felt no reason to explain this to his side or anyone else, and just assumed I’d do it or they’d figure it out (?).

To say it was a disaster is a huge understatement. I’m still recovering (mostly financially), but therapy has done wonders.

My ex has a lot of mental issues and hid them well, and I’ve gotten to a place where I know I’m better off.

I also recently started seeing a man who makes my heart race when he walks into a room. It’s a beautiful thing. Falto1

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