True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

He Didn’t Make Her Happy


A few weeks before the wedding, I left my fiance. We had been together for years and the proposal was really half-baked, like he was asking because we had been together so long and it seemed like the next thing to do, not because he actually was excited about marrying me.

Deep down, I knew it was wrong to go along. But I didn’t know how wrong it would become.

I had been unhappy with him for a long time, but his emotional manipulation had convinced me that this was the best relationship I was ever going to find, so I stayed.

My mom came to visit a month before the wedding and saw how miserable I was. She had never liked him in the first place, and she said, “You don’t have to marry him if it won’t make you happy.”

It was such a simple thing to say, but it was like someone finally gave me permission to consider my own feelings for the first time in years, and it changed my whole perspective.

I called it off, moved out, got some agency over my own life, and am now living happily ever after. There were horrific things about it, though.

I lost money on deposits, managed to sell the dress for only half of what I paid, left all the high-ticket items I had purchased during the relationship behind to avoid staying any longer to fight with him.

But I’d pay it all 10 times over to again feel the immediate relief I felt when I left our house for the last time, and I’d pay it 1,000 times over to keep the life I have now without him. the-magnificent

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