True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

The Groom Had a Secret


I was a guest on the bride’s side. An acquaintance from a previous job was kind enough to invite me, and everything was going well. She started walking down the aisle, then stopped halfway.

Then her father and mother came over. She whispered to them, then they all just turned around and walked away. The groom immediately followed. Music kept playing, then slowly drifted away.

We all just sat there in total silence. A couple of minutes later, the father of the bride came back down the aisle and apologized, but there was going to be no wedding today.

Stunned, we all just got up and slowly left. There were a couple of angry family members on the groom’s side, but once they talked to the father of the bride, they immediately just left.

At the door, the mother of the bride shook my hand and thanked us for coming and told us that they would explain everything later. They seemed sort of sad. Then they revealed the whole story. 

That the night before the ceremony, the groom confessed to the bride that he was gay. He loved her.

He still wanted to marry her, provide for her, and raise children with her. But he needed her to know. She couldn’t let him live like that, and it wasn’t fair to either of them. RoboticEnterprise

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