True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

In Debt Do Us Part


Right before my first wedding, a friend sent screenshot conversations between her and my bride to be. This friend was one of the bridesmaids.

Later on I would find out that she sent me the pics because she actually had a crush on me and was just looking out for me. Anyway, the conversation opened my eyes and got me in tears. 

They were talking about how we met and my fiancee casually mentioned the reasons why she was marrying me. It was because of my money. Plain and simple.

I didn’t want to believe it at first but then they got into more details.  Apparently, she sought me out because she heard about me from one of their acquaintances.

According to that person, I was a “lonely rich guy” who would be “easy to land”. She was drowning in student debt and she even had credit card debt because of, get this, shopping for too many clothes.

Student debt I could understand, but shopping addiction is a red flag I should have seen much earlier if I wasn’t so stupid and in love. It all hit me like a ton of bricks.

Before going to the altar, I steeled myself and hatched a plan. I immediately talked to her asking if she had any debt. She straight up lied to my face.

Then I told her I knew everything and she STILL denied and called me the crazy one. Then I told her I will not be giving her access to any of my money, I saw her expression change immediately.

This is how I knew THAT really was her biggest goal. Even if she might have loved me, I no longer wanted to marry her.  Anyway, long story short, I left the wedding right there and then.

I am actually much happier now, with my new girlfriend who happens to be the bridesmaid who helped me dodge a bullet. Permalink

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