True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

He Fled to Europe and Never Came Back


My best friend left my sister at the altar, and I was the best man. He met my sister through me, and they went out with each other for two years. They were engaged for a year before the big day.

We’re in the church, at the front, waiting for the bride with about 15 minutes to go. He says he needs the toilet, and walks to the back of the church.

A minute or so later, it hits me that the toilets aren’t at the back of the church. I start to worry, so I go looking for him. He’s not in the toilets, not around the church, nowhere to be found.

My best friend had legged it. We didn’t see or hear from him for three days. His own family didn’t get a hold of him for two days, and by then he was in Europe somewhere “staying with a friend.”

He’s been there ever since, for three years. He’s never made any effort to explain, even to my sister. Thrownitawayday

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