True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

We Didn’t Know How to End the Ceremony


During rehearsal, my now-husband and I didn’t actually rehearse our ceremony, but kind of just talked logistics with our bridal party.

As a result, when our real ceremony was over, we didn’t really know how to officially end it. So we just kind of stood there awkwardly for a few seconds until he whispered to me,

“So, are you just going to leave now?” meaning that I was supposed to lead our exit. I, however, took it literally and just started walking (he claims that I ran) away.

I got about 10-15 feet away before he called out after me, “Wait, I think you’re supposed to take me with you.” It was very embarrassing, but apparently everyone found it hilarious and started laughing.

I will never live that down as long as I live. puppychow214

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