True Stories Of People Who Were Left at the Altar Just Before Their Wedding

We Had an Arranged Wedding


I haven’t seen one from an arranged marriage set up, so here goes. I backed out a week before the wedding. We were engaged in February and the wedding was to be four months later.

He had to leave the South Asian country where I lived, so our interactions were strictly over the phone. I am pretty sure I was a bit of a jerk in this situation.

I talked to him very irregularly until the end of February, and then I just couldn’t. This should have been a huge red flag to him that his fiancée hadn’t talked in three months.

I didn’t have the courage to tell my folks, so I just waited to see if he would back out. He didn’t. And well, that’s when I told him that I wouldn’t be marrying him. This was after the invites had gone out.

And preparations were in full swing. Ugh. I can’t tell what exactly turned me off about him. I do know the fake American accent absolutely ruined it for me.

But the people I talked to about this tell me it isn’t reason enough. Maybe arranged weddings are just not meant for some people. I am glad I didn’t go through with it, though I could have handled it better. Permalink

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