Ultimate Payback Stories That Are Completely Satisfying

Take Care of Them and They’ll Take Care of You


My old manager was a monster. Belittled people, made a hostile environment, denied anything that would make coworkers happy while giving himself every comfort. He even denied me a half day to go to my mother’s funeral, adding, “Would it be a big deal if you couldn’t go?” He finally got fired, but he had to stick around to train the new manager…

So, in comes the new manager. Very well regarded, an Air Force veteran, and a humble guy who knew how to handle people. We have our first awkward team meeting, old manager bitterly in attendance. As the new manager is giving his “nice to meet you” speech, he sees the dude glaring around the table. And he shuts him down in the best way possible.

He stops talking, pauses for a few seconds, and then says, “You know, when I was in the Air Force, I learned that if you take care of your people, they’ll take care of you.” He then stared directly at the old manager and said, “And if you don’t take care of your people, they’ll take care of you.” What a freaking legend.

Story credit: Reddit / BurtGummer938

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