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Summer Camp Mishap


I was working at a summer camp this past summer, and all the campers and staff were playing dodgeball. It was Campers vs. Staff, and it was kinda nearing the end of the night, so the rules for the Staff were that if you got hit, you were done. I looked across the gym and saw that one of my fellow Staff was hit and laying on the ground with his hands behind his head.

So naturally, I grab a dodgeball, sneak around behind him, keeping myself out of his field of view, and throw the ball at his junk.  As I was laughing and running away, it bounced off him, and without hesitation, he brought his leg up and kicked the ball as hard as he could. It hit me straight in the face with enough force to knock me off my feet.

Story credit: Reddit / HoboLicker5000

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