Ultimate Payback Stories That Are Completely Satisfying

Full of Regret

Flickr / aquamech-utah / CC 2.0

When I was in high school, my city had automatic sprinklers in most of the parks and areas with grass. They would turn on automatically at like 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. So being a young, dumb kid, me and my friends figured out if you kicked them hard enough, the top would break off and the sprinkler would shoot a huge stream into the air from then on.

We thought it was hilarious and we were never caught. We kept on with this until one day they started replacing them with new super-strong steel ones. I kicked one and broke my big toe. Then while in agony, I rolled my ankle so freaking bad it was bruised up for a week and has never been the same since. I am full of regret.

Story credit: Reddit / oldjesus

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