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I Didn’t See Anything


I was in daycare as a child. I had very long hair that my dad always put into a ponytail, and there was a girl who would pull at this ponytail all the time. One day, we were doing a musical chairs thing at the end of the day while parents were picking us up. The girl was behind me and kept yanking my ponytail, while I kept telling her to stop.

The teacher “Didn’t see anything” so couldn’t do anything about it. There were a bunch of parents waiting for us to finish our game, my mom included. She was watching everything this entire time. The girl kept doing it and the teacher still “didn’t see it,” so I turned around and punched her as hard as I could.

The girl stumbled into the cubbies where we kept our coats. The teacher knew something had happened and tried to chastise me. My mom’s reply was legendary. She was like, “Nope. I didn’t see anything.” Didn’t even get in trouble.

Story credit: Reddit / vanessow

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