Ultimate Payback Stories That Are Completely Satisfying

Sweet Revenge


Not my story, but my mom’s. Apparently when she was a young lass, there was a girl at school who was always a major jerk to her. Hated my mom for whatever reason and always made fun of her. Fast forward to my mom as a college-aged woman, now dating a guitarist from Bob Marley’s band. She’s out at a bar with him getting a drink.

Dude goes to the bathroom and said jerk from back in the day comes up to my mom and says, “Oh my god, did you see who is at this bar?!” At that moment, dude comes and puts his arm around my mom and says, “Hey babe, what’s happening?” She said the look on that girl’s face was absolutely priceless. Talk about sweet revenge.

Story credit: Reddit / echo_lo

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