Ultimate Payback Stories That Are Completely Satisfying

He Just Ran Away


I was working in a pub in Liverpool and had just arrived, about 10:00 am, to start my shift. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to let me in. I became aware of some voices shouting and turned around to see two guys, shirts off, swaggering toward me speaking a language I didn’t understand, but they were calling me names.

After insulting me and laughing they walked off toward a busy road. I watched them as they walked out into the traffic, waving their arms at the cars to stop for them, then giving the drivers the finger. Suddenly, one of the cars stopped and four big guys got out. One of the car guys made out like he was going to punch one, drawing his fist far back.

The little dink just covered his face and screamed. They didn’t get hit but the car guys and a lot of passersby burst out laughing. They let him go and he ran away. That felt good.

Story credit: Reddit / Tang_Fan

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